Third World

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Third-World countries according to sense 1 shown in gray.

Alternative forms


Proper noun


the Third World

  1. (historical, politics) Those countries not aligned with the west or the east during the Cold War.
  2. (sometimes derogatory) developing countries, especially that of Africa, Asia and Latin America
    Synonym: Global South
    Antonym: First World
    Our district has many immigrants from Third World countries
  3. (attributive, derogatory, informal) Any developing country, or a country lacking the perceived internationally respected ideal standards of a society (e.g. sufficient rule of law and internationally respected level of prosperity).
    • 2014 March 5, Sean McElwee, “Six Ways America Is Like a Third-World Country”, in Rolling Stone[1]:
      In some instances, the U.S.’s performance is downright abysmal, far below foreign countries that are snidely looked-down-upon as “third world.”
    • 2023 March 31, John Haltiwanger, “Trump and his sons say his indictment makes the US like a 'third world' country, but plenty of other democracies have prosecuted ex-leaders”, in Insider[2]:
      [] "IT IS LIKEWISE A CONTINUING ATTACK ON OUR ONCE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. THE USA IS NOW A THIRD WORLD NATION, A NATION IN SERIOUS DECLINE. SO SAD!" [] "The ruling party is trying to jail the opposition leader like a third world dictatorship! It's happening before your very eyes," Trump Jr. said in a tweet. [] Meanwhile, Eric Trump condemned the indictment as "third world prosecutorial misconduct []
  4. People of marginalized or exploited races, collectively.
    • 1981 April 11, Maxine Feldman et. al., “East Coast Women's Festival”, in Gay Community News, page 5:
      Although it has been publicized that 1/3 of the musicians are women of color. these women were chosen without consulting the Third World Women's community.

Usage notes


This term is sometimes considered to be offensive and acceptable only in its historical sense as referring to countries that were not geographically aligned with the west or east during the Cold War. Even in that sense, the term non-aligned country is generally preferred. See also developed country § Usage notes.

Derived terms




See also


Further reading
